Our values:
We believe that any man wants to live in an ecologically clean environment that is healthy and safe for his children. People want their homes to be warm in winter, cool in summer, without chemicals, to serve generations and at the same time – be economically viable. All these factors are ensured only by timber. Wood is the only widely available material, which is renewable, and this fact has an important role in reducing strategy of the consumption of non-renewable resources.
This environment is not only confined to our home and yard, it is a much broader and more global.
From life-cycle perspective, the wood, as a building material, is environmentally beneficial choice in aspects related to natural resources, energy use, carbon dioxide emissions and waste. One of the greatest threats in modern society is climate change, caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide CO2. If other building materials would be replaced by timber, then 1 cubic meter of timber on average reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 0.8 tons. Needless to say, timber wastes decompose and do not cause any harm to the environment.
Therefore, we support and encourage sustainable construction from ecologically clean timber and reasonable use of wood for other human needs.
Ecology – Longevity – Safety – Economy